For many years, ANE has been the proud recipient of the Volunteer Friendly Award developed by Volunteer Dundee. So, you can imagine we were very disappointed to learn, when the management of the award transferred to Volunteer Scotland, that we would no longer be eligible and would instead need to apply for the Investing in Volunteers Award. We did not feel this was an alternative that suited our needs. Lo and behold step in Aberdeenshire Voluntary Action (AVA) who realised that smaller organisations like ours would find a local award equally prestigious and rewarding and developed the Involving Volunteers Award..
Following the production of an ANE evidence portfolio and with our practice put under the spotlight of not one, but two, rigorous assessment processes, we were delighted to be one of the first recipients of their new Involving Volunteers Award which is designed to recognise organisations that have good practice in place for volunteers and where volunteers can feel valued and thrive.